Hostel Accommodation


1-Food parcels from outside are not encouraged at all.
2- For ordinary ailments parents are not informed but school communicates with them if their ward is admitted in the Hospital.
3- Boys/Girls must not be given costly wrist watches, Mobile phones or other expensive articles or ornaments.
4-Acts of misconduct, ragging are strictly prohibited.
5- Parents are advised to emphasize on their wards the need to observe all school rules and regulations. The Principal has the right to ask the parents/guardian to withdraw his ward from the school and hostel for misconduct, disregard to school rules.
6- Birthday Celebration would be done as per school rules in the school only.
7- During the School Terms, the parents are normally allowed to visit on the fourth Saturdays of the month from 2:00 p.m. and up to Sunday till 6:00 p.m.
8- Parents are requested not to meet their wards in their rooms. They should meet them only in the Reception area after meeting the Hostel warden.
9- Students may go out only with their parents or with local guardians carrying a letter of authority from the parents of the child concerned.
10-Parents are requested not to visit the school and hostel late night except emergency.
11- Boys/Girls may be allowed a maximum leave of three days for the wedding of a real brother or a real sister or close relative. This leave will not be granted during examination. Annual Scholar Badge, Annual Sports Meet or an important event/activity.
12- Leave may be granted for some particular treatment of the boys/girls provided the Doctor of the school recommends it.
13-For all leaves, request should be made to the Principal. No leave will be granted on the student’s request.
14-Parents/Guardians are bound by the school rules in all respects. In all matters of dispute, the decision of the Principal is final.
15-The parents/guardians will hold the school indemnified against all claims arising through illness, accident or any other cause.
16-The Principal is fully empowered to expel a student from school and hostel if in his opinion the student has failed to follow the discipline of the school and his continued presence is detrimental to the school.
17- Attendance at all meals is compulsory. Proper decorum must be maintained during meal-times in the Dining Hall. Students and Staff are to consume the meals provided by the School in the Dining Hall only.
18-There should be no wastage of food. Students must consume everything that they have served themselves.
19-Prep time/ Evening Coaching classes are to be strictly followed as per daily schedule.
20- All rooms in the Hostel must be kept neat and clean during all times of the day. No student will bolt/lock the room any time of the day or night.
21-The School reserves the right to conduct searches of rooms, lockers, cupboards, clothing, bedding, boxes or any other personal effects of students space provided to each student.
22-No sports equipment may be taken into a hostel rooms. Students are not allowed to play any outdoor games inside the Hostel.
23-No senior student is permitted to enter a junior student’s room and no junior is permitted to enter a senior student’s room.
24-Every student visiting the Sick room should carry a referral slip signed by the subject teacher and hostel warden.
25-Students are not permitted to keep match-boxes, lighters, candle, incense-sticks, crackers, knives or any other potentially dangerous items.
26- No cash or valuables are allowed in the School. Valuables will not be the responsibility of the School.
27-All articles of daily use are to be neatly kept in the cupboard.
28- All students are expected to participate in sports on a regular basis as scheduled by the School. However, if a student is unfit for any medical reason due sanction needs to be taken from the Principal on the recommendation of the School Doctor.
29-Violence against a member of the School community will not be tolerated.
30-Destruction or damage by a student to any School / Hostel /another’s property on the School campus will lead to strict disciplinary action or penalty will be imposed in order to recover the cost of destruction/damage.
31-Phone calls can be made to the children only on holidays and weekends. In case of emergencies the parents may contact the respective Hostel Warden.

33- Meal Timings

Meal Timings

Summer Winter
Morning breakfast- 9:00 am Morning breakfast- 8:00 am
Recess Snacks-10:45 am Recess Snacks-09:00 am
Lunch- 1:15 pm Lunch- 1:00 pm
Evening Snacks- 5:00 pm Evening Snacks- 5:00 pm
Dinner- 9:00 pm Dinner- 8:00 pm

34-The school provides wholesome nourishing meals to the children as well as a canteen on campus. Parents must not give any food items or tuck to their children as that disrupts the diet planning of the child.

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